Dendritic Opal invites wisdom into your mind, and helps to balance your thoughts. The less stress in your life, the more you will enjoy your time here. It has a high vibration and allows for intense spiritual growth. These formations are often found on or within different minerals and can include quartz, rhyolite, limestone, chalcedony, and other materials. It is reputed to bring wisdom, balance, strength and calm to those who wear it. A dendritic opal is essentially an opaque precious opal with various manganese oxide inclusions, which give the appearance of a tree or plant-like shape. There is love within you just waiting to be released, and what better way to release this energy than with the simplest things life has to offer. This stone is known for its healing and spiritual properties. You are encouraged to go back to your “roots'' when meditating with this stone and allow that inner, carefree child to shine through.

Dendritic Agate provides you with a new desire to find comfort in smaller, more human things, as opposed to the unnatural desires society presents to us. Pure happiness and joy are all around us through life, animals, food, and art. Improves Respiratory Health: Dendritic Opal is thought to have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, helping to alleviate symptoms of respiratory. Dendritic Agate encourages self-expression and a rebuilding of the divine connection to nature that most of our childhoods were consumed with.

Emotionally, dendritic opal is commonly used for personal growth and stress reduction. Many crystal healers also use it to cure dizziness, inflammation, and kidney issues. This crystal offers up shells of protection around your aura and truly lets you be yourself. It enkindles optimism, enthusiasm and creativity, and allows for the release of inhibitions inspiring love and passion. Dendritic Opal Healing Properties On the physical side, dendritic opal supports the circulatory system and immune system. Dendritic Agate shares nearly identical energies with Moss Agate & Tree Agate, its sister crystals! Dendritic Agate brings us closer to Mother Earth, with energies capable of helping us ground and pursue our most benevolent ideas. Dendritic Opals warm protective properties encourage security and self-confidence, and it is a great crystal to have by your side during pregnancy and.